Public Art. Amsterdam


Ontmoetingsplaats 21ste eeuw

Figuren en Vuur





Mensen op strand met parasol

Monument voor de Vrede



Blauwe Boog

Jongen met Haan

Papieren vliegtuigpijl


Senza Parole


Zonder moeite niets (Het Sieraad)

Herdenkingsmonument voor slachtoffers Tweede Wereldoorlog

De Wending 666/999



Het Molecularium


Zonder Titel (hekwerk poort)

Home is where the heart is: de potkachel


Strike a Pose – Wafae Ahalouch

Amsterdam, the magic center, art and counterculture 1967-1970

Schip van Slebos

De Appel

Het Bankje

Het Raam

De Oude Kerk

Het Stoepje


De Brug

De Brug


Het Zandkasteel en de Amsterdamse Poort

How to Kill a Tree, Edward Clydesdale Thomson

City Cells

Nelson Mandela

Monument tegen Apartheid en Racisme


Spanje Monument

De Muur

Gedenkteken Steven van Dorpel

De Grote Glijbaan

Yellow Wings

Dolle Mina

Man en Schaap

Hortus Botanicus

Portrait of Jan Pieterszoon Coen, J.L. Vreugde

Anton de Kom

Now, Speak!

Tayouken Piss

Monument Bijlmerramp

Sequin Monument

Mama Aisa

Zonder titel (Twee Schuine Naalden)

Nationaal Monument Slavernijverleden

Monument for Martin Luther King


Voor de Bijen

Industrieel Monument

The Black Archives


Corned Beef


Brace for Impact, Node #6

Untitled (You Don’t Have To Be Here)



Groot Landschap

De 7 poorten


De Kies

Black Waves

Tectona Grandis

Stapeling omlaag

Animaris Rhinoseros Transport

Tuinen van West

De Poort van Constant

Fietstunnel station Amsterdam CS




IJ boulevard

ADM monument

De Ceuvel



De Ceuvel

Gedenkteken Ataturk

Twee Beelden

Sunday Seminar Pay Attention Please! curating the city

Official Opening Pay Attention Please!

De Kost en de Baat

Van Eesteren Museum and Aldo van Eyck’s climbing frames

Constructie met I-balken, André Volten

Mirage, Tamás Kaszás

Rembo, Bastienne Kramer

Untitled, Margot Zanstra

Horse Chestnut, Amok Island

2 U’s naar buiten / 2 U’s naar binnen, Carel Visser

Opstandingskerk, Marius Duintjer


WOW Amsterdam

Leonard van Munster, Under Heaven 02

Lex Horn, Concrete relief Hendrik de Keyser

Het Wiel, Jeroen Henneman

Herbert Nouwens, Brettensuite

White Noise

De Wachter

Feestelijke Beelden (festive sculptures)

Your Life is Calling


Primum movens ultimum moriens

11 Rue Simon Crubellier

Lady Solid

Opgelichte Stoeptegels

Ode to Mungus, Menhir Tower and Spire

Untitled (Hildo)

The First Turk Immigrant or The Nameless Heroes of The Revolution – Framer Framed

Amsterdam, the Magic Center Art and counterculture 1967-1970, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Monument for the White Cube – P/////AKT

Monuments to the Unsung – Framer Framed

wild care, tame neglect – Frankendael Foundation

GET LOST – art route, several artists

Ode to the Bijlmer – CBK Zuidoost

Untitled (You Don’t Have To Be Here) – De Appel

We should have a conversation (2018) – De Appel

Fiep van Bodegom

Roos van Rijswijk

Alma Mathijsen

Massih Hutak

Chris Keulemans

Rashid Novaire


Kunstroute Oost

  • tijdelijk — tot 29/07/2018
  • accessible

Until July 29th
Huize Frankendael
Open: every sunday, 12-5h
Middenweg 72 Amsterdam
Entry: Free

Public opening – 22 April 2018, 15.30h

Huize Frankendael
Middenweg 72

wild care, tame neglect is a unique collaboration of two years between artist Edward Clydesdale Thomosn, curator Nils van Beek (TAAK) and the Frankendael Foundation.

Once in a while there is an artist who questions the foundations of their work to such an extent that those with whom they work are asked to do the same. In these moments the audience also takes its place as a participant in what normally happens behind the scenes of an organisation. And as a curator then you not only think about creating conditions to show art, but also you are suddenly complicit in the artistic process itself: long-term and with all its twists and turns. There is no comfort zone.

During the last two years, the Rotterdam based artist Edward Clydesdale Thomson has been wilfully reforming his practice within the context of the Frankendael Foundation, around what he considers to be a more sustainable model of art production. From the studio shed he constructed in the garden he created public artistic interventions. These sometimes consist of physical additions or modifications in the form of sculptures in the house and garden, but often also concern events and other encounters, for which he invites scientists and fellow artists. The public could follow the development of the project over the past two years both on site and on the extensive web archive

The exhibition is not intended as an ultimate final presentation, but wants to see in what way the presentation of an art work flexes its’ interpretation, addressing questions such as: what conditions transform something into an exhibition? Is it a limited duration, the exhibition design, the curatorial concept or publicity? And in what way the creation of each of these elements could be informed by the economy of labour set out in the establishment of wild care, tame neglect? Furthermore, can an artist relate to their work as a gardener does to their garden: as a living thing, changeable, requiring constant care. What possible agency and space do (tamed) nature and culture occupy within this former country estate surrounded by the busy city, a site that now actively serves as a restaurant and reception location. Is it possible for art in such a location to escape an ever-present aesthetic harmony? What role and whose desires does an artist fulfil in a scenario where they act as host, gardener, programmer and hermit?

The exhibition gathers earlier and new works by Thomson as well as of literary theorist Frans-Willem Korsten and artists Jason Coburn, Toine Horvers, Nikola Lamburov, Ine Lamers and Jay Tan. Designers Sandra Kassenaar and Bart de Baets developed a poster campaign during a public workshop programme with de 5e Montessorischool Watergraafsmeer, colleagues and visitors. The exhibition design by EventArchitectuur cleverly reframes the garden of Huize Frankendael itself as an architectural structure for the showing of art.



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